Sprinkler & Irrigation Services

rain sensors

When it comes to maintaining a lush, green lawn, efficient irrigation is key. However, overwatering not only wastes precious water resources but also inflates your utility bills. This is where rain sensors come into play. At Sprinkler Irrigation Services, we understand the importance of smart irrigation practices, and our team is here to help you make the most of your sprinkler system with this innovative solution.


What Are Rain Sensors?

They are devices that detect rainfall and automatically adjust your sprinkler system accordingly. When these sensors detect sufficient moisture from rain, they temporarily shut off your irrigation system, preventing unnecessary watering. Once the sensor dries out, the system resumes its normal operation. Let’s talk about the benefits!


  1. Cost Savings

One of the most immediate benefits of installing rain sensors is the reduction in your water bill. By preventing your sprinklers from running during and after rainfall, you avoid paying for water that your lawn doesn’t need. Over time, this can translate into significant savings, making rain sensors a cost-effective addition to any irrigation system.


  1. Water Conservation

In a world where water conservation is increasingly important, rain sensors provide an eco-friendly solution. By ensuring your sprinklers only operate when necessary, you contribute to the preservation of our valuable water resources. This is especially crucial in areas prone to drought or water restrictions.


  1. Healthier Lawns

Overwatering can be just as damaging to your lawn as underwatering. Excessive moisture can lead to root rot, fungal growth, and other plant diseases. Rain sensors help maintain optimal soil moisture levels, promoting healthier, more resilient grass and plants.


  1. Maintenance Savings

By preventing overwatering, rain sensors also reduce wear and tear on your sprinkler system. This leads to fewer repairs and a longer lifespan for your equipment, saving you money on maintenance in the long run.


Taking Advantage of Rebate Programs

You can take advantage of MUD’s rebate program and save even more. These programs can help offset the initial cost of purchasing and installing a rain sensor, making it even more affordable to upgrade your irrigation system. At Sprinkler Irrigation Services, we can help you navigate these rebate opportunities to maximize your savings.


Our Commitment to Quality Service

At Sprinkler Irrigation Services, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch service to our Omaha customers. Our team of fully licensed and insured professionals is trained in the latest industry practices, ensuring your irrigation system operates at peak efficiency. We offer comprehensive installation, repair, and maintenance services, including the installation of rain sensors.


Our unique audit checks ensure your entire system is functioning correctly, helping you save time and money while keeping your landscape beautiful. Contact us today to learn more about how rain sensors can benefit you and take advantage of available rebates.


Transform your lawn and conserve water with the help of Sprinkler Irrigation Services. Visit our website or call us at 402.312.8933 to schedule a consultation.


By leveraging the benefits of rain sensors, you can achieve a healthier lawn, lower water bills, and contribute to water conservation efforts. Let Sprinkler Irrigation Services guide you toward smarter irrigation practices today.