The Importance of a Sprinkler Turn-On

With spring well underway, homeowners across the country are busy preparing their yards for the warm months ahead. One essential tool in the arsenal of any homeowner looking to keep their lawn looking its best is an automatic sprinkler system. However, before you fire up your sprinklers for the first time, it is crucial to ensure that they are in good working order and are activated correctly. In this blog, we will explore the importance of a sprinkler turn-on for spring and the steps you can take to ensure that your system is working properly.
The Importance of a Sprinkler Turn-On
First and foremost, let’s take a closer look at why activating your sprinklers for spring is so crucial. At its most basic, the aim of your sprinkler system is to deliver an adequate amount of water to your lawn at regular intervals, ensuring that it receives the hydration it needs to stay healthy and lush throughout the season. Without your sprinkler system working correctly, your lawn can dry out rapidly, leading to brown patches and an unattractive appearance.
When it comes to a sprinkler turn-on for spring, there are a few key steps you should follow to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Activating Your Sprinkler System for Spring
- Inspect all pipes and sprinklers for blockage, cracks, and damage.
- Bring your irrigation system online one zone at a time by slowly filling the pipes with water. Filling the pipes too quickly may cause damage.
- Repeat for any additional zones.
- Watch how your system is performing. Take note of anything out of the ordinary – persistent wet spots or low water pressure. These may be the effects of pipe leakage.
- Check your control box’s power source. Make sure it is in good working condition.
- Keep a watchful eye on your water bill. Any unexpected jumps can be the result of leaks causing unnecessary water waste.
In addition to these basic steps, it is also a good idea to schedule regular maintenance checks for your sprinkler system throughout the year. Doing so can help to identify potential issues before they get out of hand and will provide peace of mind knowing that your system is operating at its full capacity.
This process takes precision and accuracy. Save yourself the time and risk by calling the pros. Our team will ensure your system is in tip-top shape. If any problems arise, our technicians will be armed with all the needs for repair and maintenance.
Schedule a spring turn-on visit today – (402) 312-8933!